Bhagyadhalakshmi - Live Concert December 2003 - 3CD Pack. This concert of Padma Shri Aruna Sairam was recorded in December 2003 at Narada Gana Sabha, Chennai. It is named after the famous Bhagyadalakshmi Baramma. Aruna Sairam rendered this piece through a special Raga Malika...
8:52 |
3:37 |
1:37 |
26:11 |
2:36 |
08:52 |
4:21 |
4:18 |
4:49 |
7:25 |
8:19 |
The concert witnessed a record crowd and the audience was treated to a scintillating concert. The involvement of the audience was complete and ecstatic. The was one of those concerts when the artist and the audience merged as a single entity. Rajalakshmi Audio is proud to present this phenomenal concert of one of the top ranking artists of today.